This is a 10km (2.5-3hr) circuit which explores some of the bushland reserves around Thorneside, Ransome and Lota Creek.
Meet at the boat ramp car park off Rickertt Rd, next to the bridge on the western bank of Tingalpa Creek. (If you’re coming from Birkdale, you will drive west along Rickertt Rd, cross over the creek and immediately turn right into the carpark). Note no toilet facilities at this carpark.
We will walk on mainly bitumen tracks through Chelsea Rd Reserve through bushland and paperbark wetland, and make our way to Lota Creek, crossing over the boardwalk at the end of Chelsea Rd. We will continue through some of Lota’s back streets, with a brief stop at Bethania St park (amenities). We then enter the Melaleuca Environmental Park, and follow tracks sandwiched between Whites Rd and Moreton Bay Boys College, before we cross the road into Mookin-Bah Reserve. Again following mainly bitumen paths through wetland areas, we return to Chelsea Rd and finish our circuit back at Rickertt Rd.
If anyone is interested, we could follow up the walk with refreshments at the Blue Tongue Pantry (about 5 min drive away at Thorneside waterfront – probably takeaway to the park opposite as Sundays are busy there).
Bring – comfortable walking shoes, water, hat, insect repellent, umbrella or raincoat if possible rain.
Contact – Leah Stephens (0499 234 606)