
New Members

  • The membership year is from 1st January to 31st December. Prorata membership fees apply if you join after the 30th June.
  • You must be 18 years of age or older.
  • Before applying to be a new member you must attend our Introductory Walk as a Temporary Member. You will need to pay $5.00 (to cover insurance costs) and sign an Acknowledgement of Risk (a condition of our insurance). This fee will be deducted from your membership fee if you decide to join the club.
  • The club’s regular monthly Introductory Walk is held on the Saturday following our Club Meeting which is held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month (except December) at 7.00pm, Lions Hall, 122 Shore Street, North Cleveland.
  • If you want to register to attend our Introductory Walk, either contact the Club Secretary via the club email (, or attend our Club Meeting and make yourself known to a member of the committee.
  • If you decide to join our club after completing the Introductory Walk you will need two Club Members to propose and second you.
  • We suggest you download and complete the Membership Application form and bring it with you, there will be members on the Introductory Walk who can propose and second you. New Membership Application Form
  • You can give your completed Membership Application form to the leader of the Introductory Walk and pay the remainder of the Membership Fee owing by Electronic Funds Transfer. Online Banking Details
  • Your Application will be processed at the next Committee meeting after receiving both the completed form and the fee owed, and you will be notified by email when your application has been successful.
  • The membership fee is currently $40 per year. A pro rata fee of $20 applies if you join the Club after 30th June. If you join after the 30th September, the $40 membership fee includes membership for the following year (i.e. up to 15 months membership). 
  • Click on the following link to access further information for new members. Information for New Members

Membership Renewal

  • The due date for members renewing their membership is the 31st January.
  • Members wishing to renew their membership should: